100+ tutors are already teaching with Speekl around the world

We’re always excited to welcome teachers who are passionate about what they do and ready to help students learn.

What makes you a great tutor

A laptop with stable internet connection
Friendly attitude and strong communication skills
Teaching experience (a plus, but not required)
Professionalism, responsibility, and passion for tutoring
Expertise in the language you teach
Motivation to help students succeed

Your Time, Your Terms

Keep 100% of your earnings

No fees, everything you earn is yours.

Enjoy a flexible schedule

Match your work to your personal life.

Teach multiple languages

No limits on your multilingual abilities.

Set your own rates

You choose how much each lesson costs.

Teach from anywhere, anytime

Your classroom is wherever you are.

Get paid anytime

Withdraw your earnings whenever you want.

Make an impact

Inspire and empower students with your expertise.

Discover transparency

Rely on our fair cancellation & rescheduling policies.

How to Get Started


Having prior teaching experience is a plus and can enhance your chances of being approved, whether it’s from in-person classes or online lessons. However, it’s not mandatory to apply.

All you need is a computer or laptop with a stable internet connection, along with a built-in or external webcam and microphone. That’s it — no complicated setups required!

No, there is no minimum number of hours required. You have full control over how many hours you choose to teach, allowing you to maintain a flexible schedule.

Just keep in mind that your earnings will depend on the number of hours you teach 😊

Absolutely! You can set different rates for each language you teach on Speekl. Additionally, you can adjust your rates whenever you like without needing any approval.

All communication with students is managed through Speekl chats. We recommend that tutors avoid sharing personal contact information to maintain a good work-life balance and keep all communication within Speekl.

All classes are conducted via Speekl Video Classroom, making it easy for both tutors and students to connect without needing any external tools.

We have fair cancellation and rescheduling policies because we value both our students and tutors. For more information, check out our Payment, Cancellation and Refund Policy.

You can withdraw your earnings at any time that suits you. Currently, the only available payout method is Stripe Connect.

We recommend reviewing the list of countries supported by Stripe to ensure it aligns with your location. You can find this information when you fill out your tutoring profile.