I am a certified teacher, I have lifetime certification. My certification in Business Education and History. I began teaching in 1991 and have over 30 years of teaching experience. During those years, I had the opportunity to effectively teach in numerous content areas, I’ve taught reading, basic math, language arts, and history. I have a truly sincere love for teaching. I began teaching in the Iberville Parish School District in 2008 at MSA-West, as a Middle School History Teacher. In Louisiana the History/Social Studies is integrated with the Language Arts Curriculum. While teaching at MSA-West I unfortunately acquired COVID four times after the pandemic began because of the classroom environment. As a result I developed anxiety with teaching in a traditional physical classroom. I continued teaching there until my retirement in December of 2021. After a short period of time I really missed teaching and I began tutoring online from home. I believe teachers who love teaching, teach students to love learning and will forever be a teacher at heart.